Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My predictions about the future

The future has always attracted people. This is mystical part of our life. People always want to know the future. And people often tried to find out the future many years ago. Many great scientists of the past tried to know the future. And they were near with the kings of different countries. A lot of predictors helped them to govern and make decisions of difficult questions. One of such great predictors was Nostradamus. He wrote many predictions about the future. This future was not only his country, it was about our world. And we still use his predictions. We also try to solve the mystery of his predictions. Because it always is not clear what he meant.

The future is not only predictions, but the future is also our plans for the future. Someone plans their entire life. Other confine only a little part of life. For example, to finish school, to admission to university, then a work, to start a family. Or some people plan their vacation or year.

And I plan my summer this year. I think that this summer will be just fantastic. And I would like to spend this summer with maximum benefit. I have a lot of plans what I will do. I will go to my grandmother and grandfather in the village. There I would like to help them in the garden, eat some different berries, sunbathe, go to the river and fish. I will spend time with my family. I will also meet with my friends. And we will have fun together. We will walk in the park, talk a lot, go shopping. I think I will go to the lake. And we will rest there. We will swim in warm water and play beach games.

All have their own future. And all have their own plants for the future. The main thing is all plants were made.