Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«My Home»

I always liked the expression "My home is my castle." I always wanted the house I live in to be cozy, the furniture was beautiful and practical, conveniently located. And most importantly, I always wanted to have my own private room at home - a space on which everything would be located as I want, as convenient for me. Last year, my dream came true - our family moved to their home.

In the courtyard of the house, mom created a very beautiful fruit and flower garden with a gazebo and a summer terrace, which are simply irreplaceable in the warm season. Our garden is mother's pride. Here we spend family holidays and just relax. Each member of our family has a so-called own zone in the house: mom - garden, dad - garage, grandmother - porch, and my brother and I are comfortable everywhere.

The house itself consists of two floors, on which we tried to properly organize the space so that everyone was comfortable and cozy. On the ground floor there is a garage, kitchen and office rooms, a drawing room and a room of the grandmother; on the second - the rooms of mom and dad, mine, brother, study and a large balcony.

If the courtyard of the house is Mom’s pride, then the garage and basement are the pride of our dad. There is everything necessary for him: a whole huge room of various tools, spare parts, in a word, something that dad lacked in our three-room apartment. And in the basement we store preservation prepared for the winter and fruits and vegetables.

Kitchen - a zone of grandmother and mother. On the veranda there is a dining table, couch and chairs, as well as two wicker rocking chairs in which my grandmother likes to knit and relax. There is not enough furniture in the kitchen - only the most necessary: ​​a kitchen corner with all kinds of household appliances: stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, combine, microwave. The dining table is located on a small elevation - so the recreation area is separated from the working one.

The living room also has a minimum of furniture: a soft sofa corner, a small coffee table, a TV. The advantage of our living room is a huge window with access to the garden. And the main pride is an aquarium with exotic fish. Brother takes great care of them.

All the bedrooms are on the second floor, but we specially placed the room of the grandmother on the first - after all, it is already difficult for her to climb and go down the stairs. In their rooms, everyone tried to create their own corner.

My room has a desk and chair, a sofa bed, several bookshelves and, of course, a wardrobe. I try to keep order. In my corner you can find anything: books with notebooks and various toys, but, as my dad says, most of the room is occupied with all sorts of women's little things - cosmetics and clothes, perfume bottles, women's magazines. This is the house we live in!