Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My hobbies

My hobby is watching videos on Youtube and reading books of various genres, from fantasy (my favorite genre) to scientific monographs1.

Also, I don’t know whether I can be called a music lover, but during the reading, and indeed at any time, if I do not interfere with others, I do not mind listening to music. My favorite genres of music are: electronics2, sometimes classical and ambient, diverse vocals.

I also like to play games from time to time, such as shooters, RPGs, RTSs strategies, music games (osu! Or Beat Hazard), TBSs strategies, MMORPGs and everything is okay with that, maybe I forgot something.

Naturally, in the future my hobbies can become less or more, because a person cannot be constant, he always changes and develops, albeit not always for the better. I wish you good and interesting hobbies, good luck!

1 - Монография — научный труд в виде книги с углублённым изучением одной темы или нескольких тесно связанных между собой тем.

Например: Религии Востока: Конфуцианство, Буддизм и Даосизм.: монография.

Данную книгу можно в онлайн библиотеке BiblioClub, доступ к которой дает Университет.

2 – такая электроника как на этом YouTube канале: https://www.youtube.com/user/MonstercatMedia/videos