Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My hero!

It is difficult to imagine who can be my favorite hero or superhero when you 33 years old. You are stop believe in fairy tale, magic or something else. All heroes, whom you could admire in childhood, lose their charm, when you grow up. And now, my hero is my parents only. Why? Because the can have done many good things for me. They are grow up me, give me good education. All this the hard task in our country. My parents is simple people. They are engineers. Our family did not have a lot money and they try give me all best what they can. I think all parents, who do same things for his children must be the heroes. It is real people in real life. They are every day fight for best future for his childrens. This fight is hard. Every day they face with problem. Sometimes they fail, but like real heroes find the way to win again and again. They don't wait approval from you in the period of your growing. They just do all to you that you would grow up the worthy person. It also is big gratitude for them.

Then you little boy, you do not understand what your parents do for you. You just enjoy your life: play in games, walk with your friend. You begin understand it only in adult life, when you face with parents duties. Only in that moments you ask yourself: How did the do it? It can be possible. But you are live proof for it. You are follow example of your parent.

That’s why I consider them heroes. His feat is not in one day. The do this every day. I wont to be like my parent. It is big honour to learn their hard lessons of live. I respect their hard effort. And I will do everything for my parent. I want that they were proud of me. I want that all had such heroes like my parents. My parents are my heroes forever.