Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My future profession is a banker

Each person always has a choice - what field of activity to choose in life? Who to go to study and what profession to devote your future to? How correctly a person chooses an occupation will determine his success in life: not only income, monetary well-being, but also peace of mind, because doing what he loves helps a person not only do his job more efficiently, but also distract himself from life's difficulties and easier go through problem situations.

I started thinking about my future profession back in my school years. Currently, the most prestigious and popular specialties are economic, banking, and legal. The choice of the future profession was carried out by me primarily on the basis of their profitability. The most interesting and promising for me was the work in the banking industry. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the banking industry is the most promising in terms of generating a stable income. Some data on the wages of bank employees is given in Appendix 1. Here are some features of work in the banking sector below.

When we bring money to the bank, we hope not only for their safety, but also for receiving "interest". And although the rating of the stocking and the bank for keeping money remains high, and in kitchen conversations we compare today's banks with the card table and pyramids, the profession of a banker invariably evokes reverence, respect, mixed with envy.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the profession of a banking specialist has firmly taken its place among one of the most prestigious and highly paid ones. Many technical universities began to open banking faculties and branches, and competitions in specialized educational institutions significantly exceeded the indicators of previous years. The situation has since equilibrated, there was even some excess supply in this segment of the labor market, but the real "pros" are still in value.

For a long time, banking was dominated by men. The image of a banker implied solidity, solidity, reliability, enclosed exclusively in a male shell. In fact, many of the qualities required for a successful banking career are inherent in the female character. These are intuition, insight, hard work, scrupulousness, sociability.

Recently, however, women's involvement in the financial business has come as no surprise. The first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, Tatyana Paramonova, has enjoyed well-deserved authority for almost thirty years, refuting all the prejudices that a banker is a masculine noun. Her successful banking career is no longer an exception.

Moreover, Russian women bankers are seeking international recognition. Thus, among those awarded at the bilateral Russian-British conference “Ten years of the formation of the modern banking system in Russia. Women-managers of banking and financial business in the economic life of the country ”(London, February 2001) with a diploma“ For professionalism and high level of management demonstrated during the years of economic restructuring of Russia ”was the chairman of JSB“ Interprogressbank ”GI Dubinkina. And there are many such examples.

In banking, women begin their careers as clerks, accountants, often combining work and study, and gradually mastering new heights.

The most important conditions for a successful career as a banker are striving for professional growth, personal qualities, higher education and practice.

It should be noted that the main feature of working in the banking sector is the need for constant professional development.