Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My future profession – IT specialist

Who or what drives the development of mankind? Living five hundred years ago, we would have probably said it was great kings, community leaders, talented generals – the people, from whose strength and will, tact and pedantry or, as they say, charisma depends the fate of millions of people. But in the era of industrialization, everything begins to change: mankind have been convinced that the farther you go up with the time, the greater the outcome of era is decided not by the person, as technology development and innovation. Thus, a greater impact on the outcome of battle than the skill of the commander, beginning to have the power of military equipment and the size of her caliber projectile. Changes gradually and way of life of ordinary citizens. And that people have to a completely new and unfamiliar feeling of joy from watching a bright color picture coming from the box, which we now call television. There comes a time when the period between the most important discoveries are sometimes not is and. But life goes on... Technologies in lieu of direct human intervention in the usual course of things. Even on the battlefield is now gone people: they were replaced by huge deadly machine, and the air filled steel birds that are able to bulldoze anything below them for twelve miles. Direct communication is replaced with short messages that they get through high-tech devices. Twenty-first century coming...

I was born in the late twentieth century. Even though I became aware of its presence in the world than early in the next century, I began to hear the echoes of that time and its characters in some strange clothes, a large number of domestic cars, old Internet-clubs, which for some reason were in a dusty basement. And all around, so I would like to improve! I quite early began to ponder the question about who I become in this changing world.

After studying in art school for about four years, I almost decided to become an artist, trying myself as a writer, wrote about ten stories; dreamed of becoming a designer and teacher, but in the end my choice fell on a profession, which was considered ten years ago are quite promising - the profession of engineering. I did this by taking a cue from his father, who received three degrees, which are absolutely related to physics. And this is a reason... Remember how in my childhood I was helping my father build the wardrobe and talked with him about the technology of manufacturing of furniture, then asked for different designers, which related to physics (it was the best gift for any holiday!), been studying what should be taught in high school, was interested in the biographies of great scientists, read books of Stephen Hawking, tried to explain an interesting phenomenon and just learn to ignore them. So I came to the conclusion that physics, as now, and has always covered almost all areas of our lives and have meaning, ranging from household items and finishing with the cosmos.

Father I have said many times that each person has their own talent that you need to look at any age. So, thanks to him, I, without knowing it, associated itself with another new, unknown then, is IT technology, or, as the townsfolk - programming, computer science. At eleven years old I began to study programming languages, and later repeated the achievements of young Bill gates wrote a TIC-TAC-toe fifteen hundred lines. Oh, those nice feelings of completion of the program! I began to help my teachers with any of the tests on a particular subject, creating a distinctive app on the device. And here I am a participant of the projects on creation of multimedia interactive installations and prize-winner of Olympiads in Informatics and ICT at different levels. I seriously thought about my future profession...

Who is the programmer? This is the kind of artist who is not limited. Writing software is an art, which, however, does not forgive mistakes. Any inaccuracy creates a huge dent in the thousands code. And since in the current era of privacy has no value, any your mistake - about another programmer to cause harm to the system. That is why the IT profession is one of the most paid in the labor market. But can have my own experience to say that the human factor always makes itself felt. Therefore, the combination of creative skills and accurate, rigorous thinking is a talent that deserves a long search. IT is not just the engineering profession. It's a whole field of possibilities where amazing things are creating not a person but a group of enthusiasts who are not afraid to take the path of ruthless competition. And, of course, this activity does not tolerate mediocrity. Being a programmer - entrepreneur or an IT professional middle class - you'll never be able to stay on top, if you're a conservative. With these beliefs, the knowledge in physics, reading fiction, my daring attempts to write poetry and the ability to draw still lifes, I confidently embarked on the difficult path of the programmer.

As they grow older, I increasingly began to understand the importance of using modern fishing I do. The world plunged into IT. The thoughts of the people began to manage bloated news on television, created selfishly directed. The Internet and smartphone become an integral part of our lives. From the platform of the station, you can see dozens of people not looking up, watching the news about the beautiful life of his friends and celebrities. This creates the so-called information entropy. This situation begins to give rise in the minds of the incompetent people the impression of the irrelevance of Internet technologies. You can hear words like: "What the Internet in General can be useful?» I absolutely do not agree with such statements, because most of the skills that make me the way I am I got it from Internet, thanks to little-known sources that can not break under serious pressure ordinary sites, propaganda forums. The problem is information entropy excites me now.

Combine with even more useful, I took up the way of salvation of the current generation from total submersion in the depths of information. Jointly with other competent people, I decided on this difficult project based on a special system of training, the details of which I am not yet at liberty to divulge. Create an automated system that will allow people to voluntarily embark on the path of development and improvement is the main aim of our collective project.

You might laugh at me or condemn for excessive ambition and arrogance. But isn't that supposed to be the meaning of life, where the formation of the purpose of seeming naive dream determines your path? Unless the profession does not need to benefit society and at the same time to give pleasure to himself?

Living in the information conflicts with a certain stock of knowledge in the field of IT-technologies I can't stay away. It is widely known that Russia is famous for its talented programmers. Right now, when all the industry development of our country aimed at crisis management plan, IT-specialists tend to direct all their efforts to the glorification and enrichment of their country today and in the future!

"And yet, who moves humanity?" How do I know my professional ambitions and desire to make this world a better place to advance all of humanity? I'm ready for this.