Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

A Flag is a Symbol of a Country

What is a flag? A flag is one of the most meaningful symbols of any state. By special colors and images our ancestors transferred parts of themselves onto the banners. What has been used to create a flag that makes it so special? To understand it, we have to dive into history. Initially, the first flags were represented as military banners. They designated belonging of a cohort to a certain army. At the same time those banners were rising soldiers’ fighting spirit. The time passed by, the significance of the flags has not been lost, it has grown stronger!

There are no exact or official definition of  colors or symbols of flags. For example, the flag of the Russian Federation can be defined in the following way: the white represents nobility and sincerity, the blue shows faithfulness and honesty, and the red – bravery and courage. Pay attention, that each color reflects certain historical imprint as well as it characterizes priorities of the nation.

Let as have a look at another example – the USA flag, which is also called “Stars and Stripes”. There are thirteen red and white stripes and fifty white stars on the blue background on the top left corner. Those thirteen stripes symbolize thirteen initial states of the British colony which formed the independent state. The blue rectangle is the vision of union. And finally, the number of stars represents the current amount of states. Look at the colors: the red here is a symbol of endurance and virtue, the blue is diligence and justice, the white is innocence.

However, some flags are not represented by only colors or symbols. Usually a national flag has a rectangular shape, although there are some flags that do not fall into these standards. For example, the flag of Nepal. It has a shape of two triangles fitted one under another. The outline of the flag is blue, when the insight is red, there are white sun and moon on the triangles too. The red and blue colors represent national colors, where the sun and the moon show that Nepal will exist as long as those celestial objects.

We can look into many more examples of what a flag can be, but the most important thing is that it should represent a nation as a whole.