Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My favorite kinds of work or my dream job

I don't know what my dream job is. I am constantly learning something new, such as new professions. Because of this, my preferences are constantly changing. I also learn the opinions of different people and my opinion changes too.

Actually, there are a lot of things that I like. Sometimes these things are quite different. But I think it's good because it gives me a choice. I also believe that there is nothing wrong with versatility. The more different interests a person has, the more interesting he is.

I like everything about art. I like both creating and contemplating. I graduated from The Art School named by V.A. Serov. When I was 7 years old my friend invited me there. She didn't finish the first year and I stayed there for 9 years. Last year I was tired but now I understand that it was cool. It’s difficult for me to find inspiration or time for drawing lately. And in my art school I just had tasks and there were teachers who always helped me. The hardest thing is to motivate myself. But now, when exams are near, drawing helps me to relax and calms me down.

Other things I like are writing and reading. When I was a school student Literature was my favorite subject. Sometimes I write simple fantasy stories. I like to read fantasy and detective books. I liked them more in childhood but sometimes I reread them for their cozy and kind atmosphere. I also like watching films and detective series.

I like to communicate with people. I have pen-friends from different cities and countries. They help me to improve my English and also I learn a lot of new interesting things from them. The problem is that I can’t chat with people all the time. I’m kind of introvert person and this is why I get tired of talking fast. But I like interesting people very much. I also like to learn new things. Of course I can’t be interested in absolutely everything. But if I have an interesting theme I will check all the information about it.