Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Meeting. Preparation of the meeting

I believe that meetings are the most important tool for effective communication in an organization, provided that the organization has a meeting culture. A business meeting as a form of management is designed to ensure the effectiveness of collective labor activity, as a mechanism for organizational, purposeful interaction of the Manager with the team through an exchange of views. A meeting is the most common form of collective decision - making when different opinions come together. A meeting is a form of organizing business communication between a team in order to exchange information and make a collective decision on topical issues for this team.

Depending on the target orientation, service meetings can be of different types, which determines their effectiveness.

The effectiveness of office meetings depends largely on how the Manager prepares and conducts meetings, on his talent and managerial abilities. The Manager must take into account the system of requirements and recommendations for the preparation and conduct of office meetings. The Manager must be not only a good organizer, but also a good psychologist, since a psychologically competent and productive meeting generates, first, not only a motivating effect of work, stimulating people to achieve organizational goals, but also, secondly, blocks possible negative moments in their personal relationships in the future. Moreover, the ability of the Manager, his creative potential, his ability to manage people, as in a mirror, is reflected in the process of holding a meeting. The Manager must know and be able to put into practice such a possible management tool as an office meeting, constantly improving their skills aimed at expanding the company's capabilities, because if the Manager and his subordinates today can do what they did yesterday, then tomorrow, probably, the company's position in the market will be lost.

Draft decision of the meeting. An important place in the preparation of business meetings is the preparation of a draft decision on the issue under discussion. The draft decision is usually based on the report and documents of the Commission that prepared the meeting.

The eighth stage of preparation for the meeting is the preparation of the premises where the meeting will be held. The meeting room should provide normal conditions for the effective work of participants in the meeting. It is very bad if a cramped office is Packed to the limit with participants in a meeting, but it is not better when a small group of participants is lost in a large, empty, echoing hall.

Meetings are usually held in the Manager's office. However, the most common place for meetings is the Manager's office. There are certain recommendations for choosing the venue of the meeting.

The choice of venue is determined by the type of meeting, its objectives and the composition of participants.

In some cases, it is advisable to hold a meeting directly in the unit that the issue is related to.

The meeting room must meet the requirements for ensuring the closeness of the meeting (good sound insulation), must have a normal temperature and relative humidity, comfortable furniture for work, and ventilation. It should be warm, well-lit, meet the requirements of physiological comfort, etc.

The degree of optimality of decisions made depends no less on the conditions in which the invited participants are placed than on their erudition and creativity.

In the process of conducting an office meeting, it assumes a precise description of its goals, mutual representation of participants, the initiator of the meeting, the name of the topic, the presentation of the person leading the meeting, and the announcement of the sequence of questions.

The information provided at the meeting should be accurate, clear, informative, visual and professionally correct. Special attention should be paid to the brevity of the presentation. The core of the meeting is the main presentation (report). It should be useful for listeners, interest them, attract their attention, and meet the interests of the audience.

The main tasks of the Manager are:

- assess the importance of the problem, think through possible scenarios, choose a decision-making method that corresponds to the strategic priorities of the organization's policy, and give instructions for preparing the meeting

- hold a meeting in such a way that the participants had a constructive discussion, allowing them to get the most complete information on the problem, identify the main alternative scenarios and the most effective management solutions

- to achieve consensus (to convince everyone present that the decision is optimal in terms of implementing the organization's strategy and policy)

- distribute personal responsibility for the execution of the decision as a whole, its individual parts and control over its execution

During the meeting, it is necessary to ensure that the audience is collected and attentive, so that the established rules are clearly followed.

At the end of the meeting, it is necessary to sum up the results and explain what should be done by whom and by what time. It is desirable to have a short Protocol with the most important data and results by the end of the meeting and distribute copies of it to all participants. I believe that the biggest mistake after the meeting is the lack of Protocol, the next highest-ranking error is a bad Protocol.

I would also like to note that a good chair is half the success of any meeting.