Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Means of travelling

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Air travel is the most recent means of moving from one place to another. Since its first usage, it has become so popular due to its many advantages that it is now the most used mean of travel by people for long routes. It is taken as an expensive choice although there are many air lines that are offering air flights quite cheaply but over all it is an expensive but most quick mean of moving from one place to another.

Sea is one of the oldest means of travelling. Ships were used for roaming even by Greeks and Egyptians. It remained the main source of travelling for quite a long time but after the invention of aero planes, it has somehow lost its place. Nowadays moving from one place to another by sea is rarely done and even when done it is mostly through large ships which are built for luxurious cruising for the more privileged people. Middle and lower class people can't really enjoy in those huge and luxurious vessels.

Moving from one city to another by means of train is considered as the most reliable and affordable mean of travelling. Trains now for long have remained a top priority of people for travelling. Travelling by train has all the ingredients that it takes for a perfect travel as it is quick and cheap mean of travelling.

Travelling by bus is typical for people who commute to and from work and school. It is not very comfortable, but the prices of tickets are quite reasonable. Buses for long distance-travelling are called coaches. They are quite fast, often very modern and therefore quite comfortable. The big advantage is that there are many regular bus lines and so it is not difficult to find another connection if you need to change.

Car is by many people considered the most comfortable means of travelling and seeing places. Some other think it is a necessity because it is quicker than public transport. For many people driving is a pleasure, too. But some people have negative opinions on cars. They say that the cars cause a lot of pollution; they are not safe and rather expensive.

Travelling by bicycle is very popular especially among young people. It is both exciting and healthy. This type of travelling depends much on weather and so summer is the best season for cycling trips. It’s the most ecological way of travelling.

Hitchhiking is a cheap way to travel, sometimes even a free way to travel, if the person giving you a ride is gracious enough. Hitchhiking gives you an opportunity to meet a lot of different and interesting people from diverse backgrounds with different psychologies. But these days, with the criminal activities on the rise, chances of getting hitched are thin as hair. You may have to comply with standards or orders set by the vehicle owner which may be outright outlandish at times. You can get stuck in the middle of nowhere without being picked up by anyone or have to walk for miles before getting picked up by anyone.

Travelling on foot is the cheapest and the most economical mean of transport. It is also a great way to keep fit and to lose weight. But it may be exhausting for some people. When you travelling on foot you may stop wherever you want, but it also may be dangerous if you travel alone. By travelling on foot you depend on the weather, because rain or storm may spoil your adventure.

Everyone can choose their mean of travelling on the basis of their own preferencies.