Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«Management. Preparation for meetings»

For productive work, it is very important for companies to organize collective discussions of a particular problem. That is why company and department leaders like to organize meetings. Most importantly, such employee meetings should be held as efficiently as possible. To avoid possible mistakes, you need to be responsible for the preparation of the meeting. Of course, preparing for a meeting can take a lot of time and energy, but a well-planned meeting is the key to obtaining a successful result. In this essay, I want to describe the process of preparing a meeting.

First of all, when preparing a meeting, you need to determine the main goal and objective of the meeting. You also need to clearly articulate the result that you need as a result of the meeting. Perhaps you need to hold small meetings within the units responsible for completing some part of the task that you are working on. These small meetings will save time for the final meeting, balance the number of participants; give specific answers that will help in discussing the main task.

Also, when preparing a meeting, it is important to pay attention to the number of issues that you want to discuss. If they are too heterogeneous, then those employees whose competence does not include any of the items on the agenda will be passive listeners.

In addition, trying to cover all the issues at once, you run the risk of prolonging the meeting, exceeding the time limits, or crumpling its most important aspects. The meeting should be attended by staff who are truly involved in a specific process.

In the process of preparing the meeting, it is necessary to point out the main thoughts that you want to convey to the meeting participants. Supporting materials are often used to explain particularly difficult to understand tasks.

In preparation for the meeting, you can create a small presentation at Power Point or print charts and tables with important information. Various electronic programs simplify meeting preparation.

To summarize, in the process of preparing the meeting you will need: to formulate goals and objectives, prepare the necessary materials for the meeting, choose the right circle of employees, prepare visual material and correctly compose the questions. With a well-thought out meeting schedule and state-of-the-art technical solutions, meeting preparation can be made easier. With the help of modern technologies, it is easy to organize and plan meetings correctly, to send out notifications and tasks in a timely manner and their further control of execution. Preparing meetings is a difficult and responsible job. If you carry out this work correctly, then you will come to a good result.