Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Languages in Russian Federation

Russian Federation is a multicultural country. Therefore, there is a great deal of spoken languages in Russia. Most of them belong to the following families of languages. Such as, Indo-European, Altaian, Uralian and North Caucasian. Despite generous amount of spoken languages, there is one official.

Russian language is the official language of Russian Federation. It is used in government, education, media and wherever. However, there are some kinds of dialects. It goes without saying that the origin of dialects depends on the territory of their origin. Thence if you travel over the whole country, you will meet a lot of kinds of Russian. Not only Russian people speak Russian but also the Ukrainians, the Belarusians, the Kazaks, the Kirghiz and many others. Another factor to consider is status of Russian language in the world communication. This language is the main language of world communication in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and FSU Region. In addition, Russian is one of the working languages in United Nations, UNESCO and other international organisations.

Russian is very old language. And it has changed over centuries. Many famous people did their bit in development of Russian language. For instance, Peter the Great made an invaluable contribution in the late 17th century. First of all, he instituted Civil Russian alphabet. Also, Peter the Great introduced the new terminology that was borrowed from Europe. On top of that, the printed offices began to rise up during his reign. Not only Peter the Great played a big role in development of Russian language but also Michael Lomonosov. A new subdiscipline that is called grammar appeared thanks to him. After that, the first academical dictionary was published. Besides, Lomonosov edited the book that became a great achievement of Russian people. It was called «Russian Grammar».

Taking everything into consideration, Russian is a powerful language. That is used by a great deal of people and it plays important part on the world scene.

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