Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Languages in my country

Language is one of the most important things that we use every day. We cannot imagine life without communication. And language is the way we communicate. I live in Russia where the national language is Russian. In my country live people of different nationalities. Russia is divided into regions. Many regions have a regional language but it is not always used. Is it necessary to use them?

On the one hand, a variety of languages creates a unique culture of Russia. For example, Dagestan is one of the regions of Russia. Residents speak different languages besides the national one. These include Nogai, Kumyk, Darginsky, and many other local languages. And it is important to maintain a centuries-old culture.

On the other hand, many local languages disappear. Many indigenous people also disappear. It is problematic to preserve the local language and culture in the modern world. Virtual communication is increasingly replacing real. The abbreviations of words and sentences are increasingly being used. Thus, the richness of the language and culture as a whole is lost.

From my point of view, the disappearance of some languages is inevitable. However, this can be looked at from a positive side. People strive to learn as many languages ​​as possible. In the modern world, it is not surprising to know several languages. English is important and everyone needs to know, not only native speakers. Languages ​​provide many opportunities. That is why In Russia, many schools study not only English as a foreign language but also French and German.

In conclusion, there are many doors in the world that open languages. It is important to learn languages. It will be difficult to learn to speak and write like a native speaker, but practice makes perfect.