Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Как сделать мир лучше?

How can we change our world for the better, our only, vast and boundless world? Every day we learn a lot of new and interesting things about our planet and the world around us. Today we know very well why the winter cold is replaced by spring heat, we know how many countries there are in the world and which people live in those countries. We have learned to communicate with nature and use its riches to our advantage. But we still haven't learned how to take care of these riches and restore what we use for our own needs.

In my opinion, the world can become a better place when each of us becomes kinder, when people find a common language, strive for a common goal and achieve this goal together. The world can not be, but you need to start improving yourself. It is enough to become more friendly, to strive to help others, and the world will become a better place at least for those whom we help. After all, this is where everything should start, because one smile, one kind look — and the person next to you will have a completely different thought about the world around you.

Who, if not us, will make the world a better place? The world will change if simple things at first glance, such as not littering the streets, not violating the rules of behavior or traffic, sincerely and with kindness to others, do not become part of our habits forever. And do not be afraid to start with yourself, because to be an example in the best endeavors is worthy and honorable for every person. And whatever it was, we must remember that only you and I — worthy members of modern society-can change the world for the better.