Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

It would be interesting to look into the future and find out what our country will be like

 If I fantasize about this topic, I would like our country to be the most advanced and developed in the whole world. Now we are still lagging behind the world powers, but we are trying to catch up with them and develop at the same level. So far we have not succeeded, but I hope that in the future we will overtake all countries in development.

    I want to believe that our state will provide residents with free medicine and education. Products and clothing will not go up and be of high quality. Still it would be desirable, that in the future salaries of workers of all branches and in our country there was only a middle class have grown. I hope that the residents will not need anything, and everyone will have pride for Russia.

    In the future in our country will be produced cars that are not inferior in terms of foreign cars. Our cars will be in demand not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Still it would be good if we began to produce modern mobile devices, computers and tablets. Then in our country would not import foreign goods, we would buy domestic goods at an affordable price. I want us to start producing modern equipment, no worse than the technique of popular foreign companies.

    Russia in the future is a great power, ahead of other countries. All the inhabitants of the country are intelligent, educated and educated. The crime rate is practically at zero and no one encroaches on the integrity of our country. All countries respect Russia and listen to it, everyone wants to cooperate with us. In our country, everything is also full of minerals, all kinds of industries are developed and, of course, agriculture. Our products are appreciated abroad and are famous for their excellent quality. This is my optimistic view of what will be Russia in the future