Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Is it necessary to discover the space?

Fifty years have passed since humans began to explore space actively. We can be sure that astronautics, along with computerization are the backbones of the XX century's development. So many mysteries, paradoxes, interesting facts and perspectives are kept in these endless spaces. Astronautics is a wonderful science, and every person with common sense should be at least a little bit interested in what surrounds our tiny planet.

Astronautics became an essential part of our daily life and brought a number of benefits to humanity. Navigation systems, weather forecast, television, telecommunications, and so much more - are all about the space. A lot of lives have been saved for pilots, sailors and ordinary travelers thanks to these technologies. Now satellite phones are no longer popular, but they are still in demand in their niche.

Reconnaissance satellites are beneficial for national security. And this is just a small part of all technologies that would not have been possible without space exploration. Currently, this segment employs thousands of scientists and engineers who constantly improve and invent the innovations.

It's hard to deny the fact that space views are truly beautiful. And it doesn't matter whether it is shooting from the Earth, orbit or photographs of telescopes, distant landscapes of celestial bodies or various galaxies delight. Thanks to astronautics, we are able to see how beautiful our planet is from a height of several hundred kilometers.

Beauty does not disappear in our solar system. If you look beyond the limits of our Galaxy, then amazing views of nebulae, black holes and distant galaxies unfold here. Thanks to computer technology, mankind is able to receive and process hundreds of thousands of photographs from space telescopes and probes.