Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Information technology in my life (Our generation lives in a time in which almost all people have some information)

Our generation lives in a time in which almost all people have some information. Therefore, the role of information technology is huge in the life of each of us. And sometimes it is impossible to imagine our life without these technologies.

Today, with the help of all modern devices, our life has become much easier, and most importantly – more convenient! After all, just a couple of decades ago, humanity could not even dream of what it can afford now.

First, let's define the term "information technology".

Information technologies are processes that use a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

So, what impact does it have on people?

I believe that with the advent of it, everyone's life has changed in a positive way. At least because less damage is done to the environment, since all information is now stored on various electronic media.

In my opinion, the most significant discovery in the field of information was the creation of the global Internet. Thanks to this discovery, many people have an unlimited number of opportunities to realize themselves. For example, people can use it to communicate from different sides of the globe. Now people can only find the information they need by opening their computer or phone. Whereas before I had to go to the library and search for the necessary information among dozens of books. It always took a long time. And I'm not talking about people with disabilities, who now have distance learning, which has changed their entire lives and allows them to learn and develop on a par with normal people.

It is also worth noting the emergence of programs that help Bank employees, economists, accountants, and designers in their hard, everyday work. In addition, there are lie detectors that can detect a person's lies. This is very helpful in the investigation of serious criminal cases. Navigation systems allow a person to navigate in a place that they do not know, and always plot a route home. And the appearance of the latest medical devices has significantly raised the level of medicine around the world - the death rate has fallen sharply, which is a huge plus. With the help of them in the modern world, a person can be cured of almost any disease.

But, unfortunately, not everything is as perfect as we would like…And each innovation has its drawbacks. Thus, humanity becomes more dependent on technology.

Currently, a huge number of people, especially teenagers, are replacing real communication with social media communication, in which speech becomes text and emotions become emoticons. They stopped visiting so often and started visiting cultural institutions (museums, libraries, theaters, etc.) less often. People began to use technology not as self-realization, but as a useless waste of time, viewing various videos, photos and recordings of other people, absolutely not carrying any educational purpose, but simply entertaining, and suggesting to a person that life "on the other side of the screen" is much more colorful and better than the real one. As a result, at the moment, 30% of people around the world and every second in Russia has vision problems. After all, the main reason for this discomfort is constant spending time at the computer. Entering any public institution (cafe, school, University), you can see this picture: almost all people are sitting in their gadgets, isolating themselves from communicating with each other. Therefore, this problem is more relevant than ever in the modern world.


And in conclusion, I would like to note a very important thing that plays a huge role in our lives:

everything is in our hands. We determine how much we will depend on the computer. A person decides what to spend time on, how to live life. And if you use it and other benefits for useful purposes and in moderation-life will become easier, but if you use it as entertainment, etc., then a person will never be able to realize themselves in society and achieve their goals.