Автор Анна Евкова
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“In another country” “Was the major brave?” “Why do you think so?”

The short-story “In another country” was written by Ernest Hemingway. Since the times of his life coincided with the period of the First World War, many of his works were connected specifically with the war, and “In another country”, too.

In this story the author told us, how he was wounded during the war, and going to the hospital, with other people who also were wounded during the war. He met with different people, who had different stories of their life and had medals. But, one of them, whose nose had been wounded hadn’t a medal, because he had been wounded an hour after he had gone into the front line for the first time. And, he stays friend with a boy, who came frame the front at first day and with major, with whom he sat at the machine to get well. Major had a little hand like a child’s and didn’t believe, that his arm is get to well. One day, when they spoke, he asked at author, that “What do you want to do when over war?”, the author told, that he hope to married, the major angered and answered rudely that “ You are fool, if you want to marry”. After, he asked forgiveness and told, that his young wife died, therefore he considers its folly to married, to have a one, whom can to lose. He said that it’s very difficult and went out of the hospital. Then the author understood why his react were so.

Reading this story, I introduced the war, and understand how difficult were life to people, live in those time. It’s terrible to be wounded or to lose loved people at the war. I liked this story, because in this story, I see all difficulties and true of life. I don’t consider the major brave or cowardly, just his life situation was so that his react was so. I think it’s normal for him.