Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«If I Could Be Somebody Else for a Day»

Each of us from childhood dreamed of being someone in this life. Become a doctor, teacher, but not everyone succeeds in achieving their dreams. Many forget about their childhood dream or it is changing.

           Someone in childhood wanted to become a doctor, teacher or bus driver. Without thinking about the prestige and income from this work. But over the years, people change, the problems surrounding them make them change their dreams. In modern world, it all depends on money. Nobody dreams of becoming a simple doctor or teacher, everyone wants to be famous and wealthy actors, businessman , president, poр-star. To live for pleasure and not need anything.

         As for me, in my childhood I wanted to be a teacher, a veterinarian, a conductor, a TV presenter of weather forecasts, an actress, a stewardess. My dreams change every year. I was getting older and everything was changing. I realized that the work of a teacher is very difficult and they pay little for it and no one respects such work. I wanted to become a veterinarian because of my love for animals, but over time I realized that not everything is so simple. This is a very long and difficult training at the university, but it was not the thing that scared me more, but the fact that suddenly I could not save the puppy from death or a man would come and ask me to euthanize his pet. I am a very sensitive person and I can not easily bear the death of an animal for myself, and operations for animals will be performed every day at this work. The funniest thing for my parents was my dream of becoming a conductor. And I just liked to tear off tickets and recount a trifle. But with age, I again realized that this work could not be my dream. I wanted to become a TV presenter of a weather forecast or a stewardess as an older child, but my complexes do not allow me to achieve this dream and somehow I did not noticeably forget about it. At the moment I would like to help the animals very much. And give them the love that they so lack. Many who need a house and food, many sick and offended by evil people, many are killed for fun in unreasonable quantities. There must be a limit to everything. And in most cases the suffering of animals is to blame in most cases We are people. But I understand that without power or money, I cannot achieve this goal, so at the moment I think what I need to achieve in order to fulfill my dream. I would like to become a hero for animals in need, my love would be enough for everyone. And even if I had only one day, I would have done everything possible on my own and would become, even for one day, a hero for these small and lonely creatures.

        I want to summarize all of the above. A dream is one from childhood or it can change more than once, but I think a dream should pursue high goals, even if you dream of wealth and glory, then do good things for others.