Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree with the statement: Fear can prevent people from pursuing their dreams

Recently , we went through the topic «Fear ». Indeed, there are many fears, and each one has different. Most popular fears and many fear this fear: fire, water, heights, claustrophobia, insects, snakes, wild animals. Also interested in this topic, I found very unusual fears on the Internet: autophobia (fear of loneliness), androphobia (fear of men), esoptrophobia (fear of mirrors), misophobia (fear of dirt and germs).

       Very often our fears surround us everywhere and prevent us from living and achieving our dreams. Someone is afraid of heights, but passionately wants to jump with a parachute or climb a mountain , even flying on a plane creates discomfort and puts us away from the dream of visiting another country or continent. When a person is afraid of insects and snakes it will be very difficult for him if he gets lost in a forest or other natural area, because insects are everywhere. A person can dream of relaxing from the bustle of a big city in the country or traveling by car to a secluded place, rafting on the river or going to mountains, but fear will make you stay in the city.

      I also want to give an example and talk about my fear. I am very afraid of insects and fire. I could never live on the first floor since insects are too close. When in childhood my mother and I traveled to warm countries and lived in a hotel, I just could not sleep all night if our room was on the ground floor. It seemed to me that insects were creeping in my bed and at me and I wanted the morning to come faster and we could asked the room on the upper floors. This fear never lets me relax. Also my fear of fire causes discomfort in life. Since I can not cook anything if there is a gas stove, I can not light a match or a candle at home or in a church. These fears do not prevent me from achieving my dream. But there is another fear and it is within me it is allodoxaphobia (fear of condemnation by others). I am afraid that people will think about me, that people always look at me and condemn my actions. I can never relax. During the holidays party I never dance or sing, I do not participate in competitions, I try to be less noticeable. I do not show my paintings and I can not play the piano for the anyone, although in my heart I really want to, but fear is always stronger. I want to dance and sing like everyone else, but I am embarrassed that my movements are not perfect or they do not fit the music, I am shy by my voice. I can not play the piano for my family. without even starting to dance, sing or play, I already feel failure and discomfort. Very often my friends say that I speak very quietly and they cannot always hear everything that I say. But despite this my dream was always to become an actress or model. But I can not take the first step towards a dream. Because of this, when I see young actors in films that have already achieved a lot and compare with myself, I feel sad that time is running out, but I can not realize my dream.

     I want to summarize all of the above. Fear is a barrier to the dream, but you need to try to overcome it, to face fear face to face.