Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

I think that a successful person can be considered one who achieved his goals and was satisfied with his achievements

For everyone, success can mean completely different things. It's not just money. You can be rich, but still want something else: interesting work, recognition, a certain position in society ... Success is both moral and material satisfaction when you have achieved that position in life that you consider to be suitable for yourself.

The term success is more suitable for work, work, position in society, and if we talk about family and personal life, it is better to use such a word as happiness.

For example, the ideal picture of success is to be the highest professional in your business, recognized and guided, and colleagues, so that your mind, knowledge and experience are very highly valued and material. A successful person is confident in himself and in his abilities, respects himself and is well versed in his favorite business, and also has good friends.

To be successful, one must have such qualities as hard work, patience, determination, purposefulness, ability to communicate with people, perseverance and much more ... A successful person is someone who knows how to make a dream a goal, that is, has the courage not only to talk and dream, but also to begin to act to achieve what has been conceived.