Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

I have heard the word “hero”

I have heard the word “hero” so many times! Basically it was used for people doing in a heroic way. For example, policeman, rescuing people from criminals and a veteran who participated in military events are true heroes. As for me, the concept of the hero is a bit different. Of course, I agree that all of those seen in heroism are heroes and deserve fame. However, I have my own hero who is neither a policeman nor a veteran, but I like the personal qualities that he has.

A volunteer is someone who has a lot of space in his soul. He is ready to let in not only family and friends, but also those who need him. First of all, it is necessary to say that he is a very honest, kind and helpful people. He is not afraid of diaper to a bedridden patient. With open heard he extends a helping hard to a street child. He does these things absolutely free. The volunteer looks for something that people need, and not for own realization. Moreover, he systematically performs the most ungrateful work and he expects no reword. The top honor for him is the smiles and sunny eyes of those who he helps. Finally, the volunteer remains calm in the most difficult stressful situations and is happy about every tiny victory. I really respect him.

There are various opinions about that among people. The public tends to believe that volunteers are those who have nothing to do. To my mind, this is an excuse. Because not everyone can find or tear out a piece of precious time, free from study and work, to dedicate it to the world, country or surrounding people.

Making a solution, I can say that the hero for me is a person who does something socially who is useful and has positive inner world. These features fully relate to a volunteer that is why I consider him a real hero!