Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«How would you describe Jimmie Langton? Dwell upon his looks and typical behavior. What were the circumstances of Jimmie and Julia’s acquaintance?»

Jimmy Langton, a fat, bald, red-cheeked man of forty-five, who loved theater. Jimmy is an eccentric, arrogant, ebullient, vain and irresistible person. He loves to play in the theater, to perform roles, but his external data were suitable only for some roles. Maybe that's a good thing, because Jimmy isn't a very good actor. He does not know how to pacify his impetuosity, emotionality and, although carefully studying and pondering his role, they all turn into failure. He thinks over every gesture, over-emphasizes every word. Jimmy's hearing is perfect, and therefore he immediately hears when someone is out of tune. Jimmy is very demanding and sometimes even cruel towards the actors. However, his character also contains vulnerability and human simplicity. For the actors, he was a very significant person. Every actor would have dreamed of receiving praise from a man like Jimmy Langton.

Julia Lambert is England's Best Actress. She is forty-six years old; she is beautiful, rich, famous; is busy with what she loves in the most favorable conditions for this, that is, she plays in her own theater. But all this is now, and before that she was an ordinary girl from Jersey who dreamed of being an actress and playing in the theater. All her relatives saw that she had talent and external data to achieve such a goal. When Julia was sixteen and went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in Hover Street. After she graduated from school, she got a small role as a maid in one of London's theaters. When Julia toured the provinces with melodrama, Jimmy Langton visited theater after theater in different cities. At one of the performances, Jimmy saw Julia. After finishing one performance, he went backstage to get to know her. Jimmy was famous enough in theater circles to be flattered by his compliments, and when he invited her to lunch the next day, Julia agreed.

This is how Julia and Jimmy first met, backstage at the theater. Who knew how fateful this meeting would be...