Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How should you use your time.

Lately, I've noticed that time flies fast. When I was a child it seemed to me that time was very slow. Why is this happening? We need to deal with this issue.

As children, we feel time differently. Lessons are slow to pass. It's so far from my birthday and New year's holidays, and the third quarter of the school year is endless. As a child, I had enough time for everything: school, extra classes, friends, a dog, household chores, walks, and so on. As an adult, I began to notice that the attitude to time has changed. Of course, there are more worries, but why is the sense of time different? The events that happened to me ten years ago seem recent to me. Planning your vacation. But after a while, the vacation is over and I want to go on vacation again. You think that the New year is still far away, but it suddenly came. I think that my son is still young and he is not old enough, but he talks about girls friends and communicates in a language I do not understand. Time is running out. Time spares no one. Time doesn't ask you anything. It is very important to spend time so that you do not regret a single minute of your time.

I try to use every day of my life to the best of my ability so that I don't regret anything. I try to enjoy every moment of my life. Now there are a lot of factors that are killing our time. These are gadgets, TV, empty chatter, social networks and other factors. I don't mind using it. It is very important not to get lost in time. Remember the quote from Alice in Wonderland: "What do you want? - I want to kill time. - Time doesn't like to be killed."

It is important that people use time with meaning. Not to the detriment of yourself and others. So that when the time is gone, you will not be sorry for his loss at all.