Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How should you use your time

Time is life. We breathe, sleep, talk... Any movement, any moment is a part of all time. It's a gift, for life, that's why we're so careless with it.

It gives us life, heals our soul wounds, makes us older, more experienced and wiser. It allows us to enjoy all moments of existence, and then it kills us. It is fleeting, so it can not be spent on all sorts of nonsense, if you want to spend life in such a way that by the end of it can not be afraid to disappear, while thinking about the fact that there is still much that has not been done. Time has to be appreciated.

Some people have dreamed of growing up as children, and now that it has, they want to go back in time. You can't rush time with impatience: you'd rather finish school, then graduate, you'd rather retire, you'd rather ... a cemetery? You have to try to live in the present without looking ahead. If you regret the lost youth, resent the approaching old age - time will go many times faster, thus bringing you closer to death.

And the most important thing is that you cannot buy time, you cannot hold it, you cannot stop it. You can only lose it, you can only waste it. You can't buy it for any moneу time.

Whenever we don't think about time, or think about it, it inevitably runs out. Our lives are getting shorter by the second. And I think that time should be used to its maximum advantage.

As for me, I have my own diary, where every day before going to bed or in the morning, I write down the goals for today, in terms of time, doing them on time. There are also goals for a month, six months for a year. And to achieve one goal, I have to do a lot of small ones. Of course, there are time periods during which I rest, there is also space for them.

I think that this method is extremely effective, and I advise everyone, it will make you much more productive.