Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How should I use my time?

Now in this essay which is devoted to the theme of time I’m going to tell you what I think about the problem. I’m also going to narrate about some details, just because I consider them to some extent important.

We live in a modern word in which everybody is always in a hurry. And, therefore, time has a specific value. The ability to properly dispose of time is very respected. It is a well-known fact that today everybody can buy a book about so-called time management in a bookstore. That’s why I’m sure that I should spend time as usefully as it’s possible and don’t waste it.

So how should I spend my time? For instance, it will be very good to set some realistic goals towards making concrete steps on the way to success. If the goal is already set so then it’s time to make an effort to achieve it! It also would be very good to stay as focused as possible. Some experts point out that it’s good to make notes. For example, Stella Cottrell believes that writing in a diary everything a person does is helpful for planning.

Furthermore, one should not forget that it’s important not only to work hard and succeed, but also to relax. That’s why I usually set the alarm clock when it’s time for me to stop doing my job and just sit for long or go to bed if evening has already begun. When I was only a child, it was recommended to terminate reading books and just to look into the distance every forty minutes. Many years passed, but I still do something like this from time to time. We all need rest because nobody wants to feel like a dish-towel.

There are many ways how a man can spend his lifetime. It’s his own unique choice that a person makes every single day of his existence. And I’m not the exception! I believe that it’s really important to assume responsibility for the adopted decisions and spend time usefully. But let us accept that rest and work are both important! So I’m convinced I should spend time both on work and rest.