Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Hello everyone my name is Artem, and today I want to talk about the experience that I got from the internship

Hello everyone my name is Artem, and today I want to talk about the experience that I got from the internship. Our first task was to translate an article about different type of things. The one I got was about vocabulary learning through watching Youtube and reading blog posts. That task wasn't specifically difficult because I do those things regularly, but anyhow that was an interesting experience. The second task was about translating the video about grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation from russian to english. Now that is when I got fired up, at first I did not know where and how to start. Firstly I watch the whole part that I had to translate, and after that I had to come up with the idea how to translate fast and precise. I started by just translating the video and that did not get me anywhere, so I came up with a brilliant idea. I wrote down all the words from start to finish. Although it took a while, I did it, then the easy part started. I just had to translate everything I wrote down keeping the structure and integrity of the script, easy peasy. The third task was the hardest one so far. I had to teach a methodist a lesson about conditionals. Unfortunately I am not as good with theory as I am with practice of english, so I had to read and understand the rules over and over again, but I missed something very important. I forgot to simplify the rules, and although I gave everything I got, I just used a wrong approach to teaching, big thanks to the feedback of the methodist, that open my eyes towards new and simple ways of teaching students. Now to sum it up, I want to say what I have learned during this internship. Now I know new approaches towards translating both videos and articles, invented of course, by myself. Thanks to the methodist, now I know how to teach properly, and finally, what I think about Skyeng. I think it is the best platform both to teach and to learn, and also earn money. The interface is simple and easy to learn, all of the material is already there, and overall the idea of teaching and learning on this platform is genius. My future plans are not that complicated, I am going to continue studying in my university and maybe someday, when I learn all I want to, I am going to come back to this platform. Thank you for reading my thoughts and experiences that I had during this internship, I had a blast during all of those thing.