Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Hello everyone

I’ve wanted to write something foe the College web site for ages, but I haven’t managed to find the time until now.

Life is hectic! Anyway here is my news.

As most of you know after leaving Railway college I went to Novoyaroslavskya train station to work as a freight trains agent where I stayed for two years until I got bored and realized that I would rather had a deal with people face to face in my work life than with a computer and a paperwork only. Suddenly I had decided to apply for flight attendant possession in Aeroflot Company and I got an invitation for an interview in two days of waiting. I was incredibly happy, I’ve wanted to change my life once and for ever. Unfortunately, I failed my interview that day because of my English language level wasn’t good enough. I felt absolutely down but haven’t gave up. I continued to work at my previous job and learned English hard at the same time. In one year time I went to Ireland to improve my language skills and stayed there for 8 mounts working in a hotel as a receptionist, I felt confident to speak english with local people by that time. And also I fall in love with work in hospitality; my next plan was to move in this direction. Few mounts later I found an opportunity to get a contract in Dubai Luxury hotel for working on a same possession, Dubai gave me an unforgettable life and work experience, and I’ve met an incredible people from different edges of the globe. Of course It had been only temporary opportunity for me, after which I back to Dublin again and I am working here as a hotel front office manager recently . I easily got this possession as the hotel management appreciated my unusual experience and my brave personality.

And now for my main news me and my boyfriend are having a wedding in few mounts in las Vegas. I cant wait to became his wife and see USA of course.

That’s all for now. Best wishes
