Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Have you ever wondered, what is fear?

Have you ever wondered, what is fear? And ever saw him, met him face to face? Represented himself in the place of those people who survived the horror of war?.. Possible. But still it is difficult to imagine how awful and it was terrible to them. They overcame this feeling for us. They were able to Win by all means. They believed and hoped that Russia will only our country. And what can we give in return? We must respect them and to remember what it was hard. Probably, it is difficult to understand that our heroes - veterans - is becoming less and less time we start to find new, we replace them. But they did nothing for us. They are only characters in movies.

Who is your hero? What you are proud of and admire? My heroes veterans. Yes, they should be our heroes! So we have to appreciate them and read them, treating them with respect and love. This love is us life. We need to return to what we are given, by any means. We can transform their lives in the beautiful moments where there will be those of the horrors of war and the deaths of loved ones that they had to endure. They have too little, and we are still so many of them did not return. We will be more attentive to the veterans!

My family was a veteran is my grandfather. Unfortunately, I was able to comprehend the importance of communication with him only by this age. I had not long to see him, secretly proud of him and with his eyes shining with enthusiasm to listen to his stories about life on the front. I could see his tears, as his old, wrinkled hand wipes them with her cheeks, and the voice was soaked through and through pain and sorrow. His shoulders shook. In the room there was a tense atmosphere. My heart was painful ekalo; I hugged grandfather and quietly said, "it's All over. Everything is normal". And grandfather were aware of it, but the memory of those events were forced tears to reappear in his eyes. Just a little time I could be with him and talk heart to heart. I so much did not have time to learn! The only thing it has become it is clear: war is very scary.

Oh, grandpa! If I were a little more could be with you! I would much gave up. But the next day after your devyanostye you died in his sleep. In that day, something in me snapped. My heart leapt to his throat drove up the ball. Tears I couldn't keep. They are large drops rolled down my cheeks. My emptiness became more and harder, I had no strength to scream. How bitterly to understand how scary it is to feel that your hero is gone! Beloved grandfather not to return, but he remained love to me forever and I'll cherish. If not for veterans, now we would not have what we have. There would be peace in our souls. We would not come out into the street without fear that I will not go back home. We would simply not exist. Appreciate what they have given us the world in which we live! Appreciate the veterans! Love them just as the life they gave us!