Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

Everyone knows that reading affects the development of human mental abilities. I have always loved reading classical works of famous authors. One of my favorite authors is William Shakespeare. The most memorable hero of his works is Hamlet. Let's figure it out together, what was he like?

Hamlet was the son of the murdered king of Denmark and Queen Gertrid. According to the story, Prince Hamlet learned from the guards that the ghost of his father had come to the gate. Hamlet was a brave young man who was sad because of the death of his father, he is not afraid and decided to meet with a ghost. The ghost told him the terrible details of his death. It turned out that the father had been killed by his own brother - the current king of Denmark and the new husband of his wife. Ghost asked Hamlet to avenge his death.

In the play, Hamlet shows himself as a decisive and intelligent person. He received an excellent education. And he returned to the kingdom, which was covered in sin and vice. Mom and uncle are traitors, his friends were hired to spy on him, his beloved girl was watching him. Hamlet did not immediately kill his uncle. This indecision was not due to lack of courage. Hamlet - a man of the Renaissance, wanted to change the whole world. He wanted the world without betrayal, lies, hypocrisy. There was a struggle inside Hamlet. To be or not to be? Win or die? In the end, `Hamlet died a few moments after the death of his uncle and mother. He asked his friend to preach to the world about the depravity of the Danish kingdom.

Hamlet is a man of a new time, he refuses to put up with reality, but is not able to fight by himself. Throughout the play of Hamlet, the contradiction between his own grief and a strong sense of human capabilities is tormented. The optimism and inexhaustible energy of Hamlet give his pessimism and suffering that extraordinary power that shakes us.