Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

From the beginning of the humanity people tent to conquer other territories and to set their own rules

From the beginning of the humanity people tent to conquer other territories and to set their own rules. Some of them succeeded, some not. So what distinguishes that little percent of powerful men?
Many centuries has seen the world. And every time had its own leaders. Whether it was Gandhi or Hitler , they have much in common. I’d like to say, there are two kinds of leaders: those, who has developed their certain profitable qualities, worked hard and persistently, and those lucky men, who were born leaders – the natural leaders. So what characteristics do have these natural leaders?
First of all, they have the ability to set a goal and thoroughly focus on it. Telling the truth, not many people are good at this. It requires certain stubbornness, courage and much confidence. Their perseverance allows to achieve big goals.
Second of all, natural leaders know how to run a system. How do they do this without special training? Nobody knows! Probably, they are observant and gifted enough to think fast, make right decisions and rise rapidly after a deep falling. They are also thick-skinned to different troubles in life.
One thing is clear: natural leaders inspire people around and make them want to grow. They are so-called soul teachers to others. You can always rely on such a leader, tell him about the difficulties you face in your work and he will not judge you on these theme. Speaking to a natural leader is easy, because he can not only hear, but also listen.
All in all, the genuine natural leaders are not a very frequent phenomenon. Certainly, all these qualities can be developed artificially, but it can last a whole one’s life, or even more… And we are not long-livers at all, especially aren’t the modern people in the modern world.