Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Each manager, when creating an enterprise, sets for himself the main tasks and priority areas in the development of business and obtaining efficiency

Skilful use and application of the concept of modern management in practice is usually the creation of a solid foundation based on scientific approaches, the creation of a process, system and situational approach, which are the key to the successful development of the enterprise.

Any created enterprise goes through a certain stage of development, which consists of certain stages and the head of this enterprise must clearly understand that for the successful functioning and development of the enterprise, achieving success is necessary to have available and certain resources.

The first resource that the manager uses is of course his own time, the second resource is the main one- Finance or as it is often called "initial capital", ie any undertaking can not do without capital, the Manager must clearly know and plan for the future year's profits, further investment, ability to manage credit, monitor the situation on the market, to be able to analyze and control business processes, planning is the primary stage of this process , as you know no business can do without employees, that is, with the development of the enterprise,it is the stage of recruiting qualified specialists(engineers , accountants, etc.), as well as the workforce, and each manager must be able to manage people.

In the process of work, the enterprise begins to acquire tools, equipment, computers,etc., to perform certain work, i.e. these assets are supposed to be called fixed assets and make decisions on their acquisition as part of the management mission.

A significant role in the development and functioning of the enterprise is given to information, i.e. information about the activities of the enterprise ( advertising, placement on internet resources, etc.).

No enterprise activity can do without these management resources. Every manager should know certain management functions:

First of all, plan- set a goal, prepare events, which in turn was aimed to achieve the required goals, the second important is the organization of the work process, to create conditions and achieve the goals, of course, the motivation of employees, with a total goal of profit, neither process work can not do without control, which in turn lets you achieve your goals.In general, the functions of management are the ability to plan, organize work, control, manage people, create conditions for them and motivate them, to achieve the organization's goals.

The modern phase of the development of management science is characterized by a qualitative transition from local areas of research to the construction of concepts as the basis of the general theory of management. Concept (Latin conceptio - perception) - a system of views on a certain phenomenon, a way of understanding, interpreting certain phenomena, processes, the main idea of any theory. The concept is the foundation for the formation of a scientific approach-the synthesis of certain interrelated scientific views, research methods, methods of experiments and interpretation of objective phenomena and processes. The concepts formulated in the science of management became the basis for identifying the leading scientific approaches in the theory of management: process, system and situational. Process approach. Defines process management, in which activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization are considered as the sum of interrelated actions - management functions, and each of the functions as a complex of homogeneous (elementary) actions, operations, procedures. The problem of management functions requires separate consideration, since there is still no generally accepted list of them, and different authors name from four to fifteen functions. a systematic approach. It treats an organization as a set of interrelated elements (people, structure, tasks, technology) focused on achieving various goals in a changing external environment. Its foundations were formulated by the American scientist Chester Bernard (1886 - 1961) in the book "Functions of the Administrator" (1938). however, he used not a mathematical, but a conceptual apparatus. The system approach in the modern interpretation was formed in the early 60s of the XX century, when the methods of applied mathematics began to be used in control theory. A systems approach is a general way of thinking and approach regarding organization and management. Its basis is the interpretation of the system as a certain integrity of interrelated elements, each of which contributes to the characterization of the whole. The components of such a system are interdependent. In the absence of at least one of them, the system will not work or will not work correctly. each production and economic organization is a system created from people (social component), capital (economic component) and technology. all components are used together to perform a certain work, to achieve a certain goal. therefore, followers of the system approach believe that organizations are sociotechnical systems. In such systems, we can distinguish complexes of homogeneous elements-subsystems. The concept of "subsystem" is of great importance for management, since it makes it possible to create the necessary structural divisions within the management system: departments, sectors, bureaus, sections, etc.The fundamental concepts of the system approach are the basis for applying the scientific method of studying management systems. This method involves three stages: observation, hypothesis formulation, and verification. The first two are also used by other schools in scientific management, and the verification stage (Latin Verus - truth) - establishing reliability-is inherent only in the system approach. Verification is carried out on a specific model of the management system, usually in a computer version. The model of the management system makes it possible to qualitatively determine the parameters of its economic development that directly respond to managerial influence, ways to change them, which most fully meet the goals of the sociotechnical system, as well as to anticipate the consequences of making a decision. Proponents of the system approach most often use analog and mathematical models. Analog Models (greek. Analogia-correspondence) - display of the most significant characteristics for the purposes of research (properties, relationships, structural and functional parameters). Most often, an analog model of a control system is constructed in the form of mathematical dependencies displayed in a system of equations describing the situational state of the object of study. Mathematical models

The ability to manage "someone else's hands", to achieve results-this is the science of managing not only business processes, but also people, and to manage people, you need to know their needs, five such needs were identified by the American psychologist A. Maslow, " People have many different needs: physiological, the need for security, social, prestigious, spiritual»

Given the above, we can say that modern management concepts characterize modern problems of management, without knowledge of these problems it is impossible to build ways and methods of building, organizing and functioning of the enterprise.