Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress? (I have studied several articles on this topic)

I have studied several articles on this topic, as well as my own experience. Scientists conducted a study, taking 15 people and divided them into 3 groups. The first group performed the task without Internet delays, in the second group the Internet speed worked with failures in 3 seconds, and in the third group 6 seconds. Scientists have found that the slow speed of Internet download can cause a strong stress reaction. During the experiment, scientists studied the brain activity of participants, their pulse and eye movements. The stress level was calculated on the basis of the obtained data.

The data showed that failures in the Internet speed led to an increase in the level of stress by 3-6% in the second group, and in the third group by 15%. Participants seemed to panic: their eyes ran, and the pulse quickened. In addition, delays increased dissatisfaction with the provider.

Based on his experience, the Internet delay is very negative impact on sress, tembolee when you need to perform an important task, and time is limited, or watch a movie, and the speed of the Internet does not allow you to watch it without failure. I believe that slowing down Internet speed 100% affects the increase in stress.

I believe that this is due to the fact that the modern world lives in a different environment than when people lived in the past. The modern world teaches people to a large amount of information and a large concentration of attention, which is not peculiar to the people of the past and is not a natural human condition. People react in this case to an artificially created situation as evolution has taught them to react to the natural state, because stress is, in particular, aggression, a reaction to the danger that may be unusual or unnatural state.