Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress?

In modern society, our livelihood is closely related to the use of the Internet. I believe that slow internet speed can cause a strong stress response.

Yes, I suppose that's true. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that modern man lives in a completely different environment, compared with the situation in which people lived in the past. The modern world teaches people a lot of information and great concentration of attention that is not peculiar to people of the past and is not a natural state for a person now. In this case, people react to an artificially created situation in the way that evolution has taught them to respond to a natural state, since stress is, in particular, aggression, a reaction to a danger that an unusual or unnatural state can pose.

I read that scientists have created a research project “Stress at video stream delays” and asked 200 volunteers to watch videos on smartphones and tablets. At the same time, the researchers measured the pulse, brain activity and speed of eye movement. If the video was turned on without delay, the person’s condition was neutral, but when the video hung for a few seconds, the subject’s heart rate increased markedly.

As it turned out, while reducing the speed of Internet downloads, a person experiences emotional excitability, as if experiencing severe stress. Slow Internet provoked stress, comparable to the stress of watching horror movies or solving mathematical problems. At the same time, it was lower than the stress from waiting in lines or from being on the edge of a cliff in virtual reality. Such disturbances cause great harm to the psyche and can cause serious diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.