Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think being efficient is always a good thing? Why or why not? (what they need to do)

Everybody wants to be successful in their life. People always think about what they need to do, what qualities to have. According to people’s opinions, every person should be efficient, but what does it mean?

Efficiency means reaching maximum with minimum wasted effort or expense. You don’t need to confuse with a word “effective”, which means doing important things, while “efficient” is doing things as quickly as possible not thinking about importance.

There are both sides of being efficient all time. In many cases it is really good. First of all, you can be successful in your work, because you are able to do lots of things in short period of time. Sometimes you can even have two jobs. You can combine work with study. Efficient person generates various ideas and embody them.

Efficiency can be considered from different sides. In some cases efficiency means doing several things at one time, for example, cook and wash, study and work, clean and watch TV. In other it means having good communication skills and being able to distribute responsibilities, being convincing and able to persuade people to do something. Efficiency means some kind of optimization.

In any case, there are negative sides of being always efficient. You need to have a lot of energy and power. Some people can use your efficiency against you. For instance, your superior can give you extra work and you will be exhausted at the end of a day. A person can have emotional burnout. It will influence on emotional state of a person. His mood will change quickly, he will be always irritated. A person will need a lot of time to return to duty.

I strongly believe that it is impossible to be always efficient. You will always feel exhausted and tired. But it is one of characteristics, which a successful person should have.