Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

"Do you agree that nowadays people throw things away too quickly? Why?"

Yes, I completely agree that now people throw away their things much more often than before. Why is this happening? First of all, from the fact that goods become less durable. Previously, nothing was thrown away in vain - regardless of the value of things. Each item purchased was very important and was worth every ruble spent on it. Now the producer of goods is not interested in the thing serving for a long time. In my house, the old washing machine worked for more than fifteen years, until it broke. The damage was insignificant, but we did not give it up for repair and decided to buy a new one, but threw the old one away. And what? The new machine did not work even four years, when her bearing broke. Now it needs to be taken in for repair, but the repair is so expensive that it is easier to buy a new washing machine. My old road bike has been serving me for many years. And modern fashionable mountain bikes break down after three years and they have to be thrown away.
Now the goods wear out faster, and this is even provided for in their manufacture. Lighters, watches, cameras have become disposable. Garments and accessories are also almost “disposable” - because as soon as they go out of fashion, they have to be thrown away. With the advent of digital television in our lives, we have to buy new TVs, and old analog TVs that do not support new signals, we have to throw it away. The same thing happens with phones. With the advent of cell phones, we got rid of old wired and cordless phones, as they no longer needed.
Looking sometimes at our wardrobe, we are unexpectedly surprised that we have never worn some items of clothing for several years. So you have to give them to someone, or throw them away.
Now let's talk about medicines. We often buy them for the future, and when they expire, they have to be quickly removed from the first-aid kit until no one ate them. Medicines should not be thrown into trash bins. The tablets must first be crushed and mixed with other garbage, and the suspension should be poured into the toilet.

         In today's world, we consume too much and too fast.