Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

"Do you agree or disagree with the statement: You cannot measure success by money"

Nowadays in our society there is a common opinion related to money and success. Some people equate these two notions and think that the relation between success and wealth is direct. But also, we know the opposite point of view that success can’t be measured by money.

In my opinion, success doesn’t fully depend on our welfare level. But that is probably a complex issue. From one side, it’s quite difficult to imagine a rich person who is unsuccessful, because if the person earned a lot of money it means that he became successful in some area, whether it’s a business or something else. Or at least, he didn’t fail - this is also can be considered in some way as a success. So, very often we regard money as a universal indicator of success. But from the other side people still can become successful without having a great fortune. I totally disagree with the idea about equality between money and success. Probably, a successful person won’t be poor anyway, the most important thing is that he surely will be self-sufficient and self-actualized, and very much motivated, with strong confidence and with adequate self-esteem. Likely he will have some achievements and will be respected by other people. In my view, success is a notion which is more or less close to happiness. For many people to become successful means to get good education and to make a good career. As to me, I believe people can become truly prosperous only when they focus on their own desires and visions, rather than when they act in accordance to some conception of success, which is imposed be society.

In conclusion, I’d say that it doesn’t really matter how much money you earn, the essential thing for to become successful is to become self-realized, recognized and respected by the society.