Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: You can not measure success by money

Money equally in success? In today 's world, the presence of money together with their free and harmonious movement in human life is a simple and material way to test its viability. Now money is a material way to test such intangible values as success, talent, intelligence... The list is not exhausted, of course, by these three paragraphs. And, of course, money is not the equivalent of talent and other outstanding abilities and achievements of man.

Money is one way of managing reality, money is a tool for getting something and meeting your needs. But why is there so much explanation for the role of money in human life? In my opinion, this is because sometimes there are substitutions of the meaning of events. And also because events are not considered in a complex. Just having money can rule out success. It can complement, it can have no influence, it can confirm and strengthen. That a person simply has money is not an indicator of his human success. If a person works and earns, also it is not an indicator of his human success The indicator is only the result of human activity, its meaning, essence. An indicator of a person 's success is what they create. Creation is a success.

If you ask a modern person, a special person from younger generation, who is a successful person, most people will start talking about rich representatives. Now for young people the sign of success is availability of enough money, not even that sufficient, but availability of money with excess. Who is he, a successful man? Usually we hear such examples: reached financial independence, became rich. Has its own business and gets high revenues from it. Can afford to buy any expensive thing, live in a luxurious house, eat in expensive restaurants and communicate with high-ranking people. More often, people determine success by the amount of finance. The more a person is financially independent, the more successful he is. And if a person is not rich, he is not considered successful. Is success a lot of money? Can success be unrelated to the amount of money? Of course, can. Except people themselves do not consider success something else that is not related to money.

It turns out that the modern understanding of success is distorted. Nothing is considered a success except for raising their incomes. Everything else is considered a miracle, luck and other phenomena, but not a success. People are not admired by those who have been able to raise children or live a family life for 30 years. But people are admired by those who have become rich. Does that mean that success is a mere achievement of wealth?

It is because of the understanding that people define their success only by the amount of money that leads to them continuing to be unhappy in their wealth. Can we call a successful man someone who is unhappy, even if rich? So how is success measured and how can it be achieved? In today 's world, the idea has developed that success is measured by money. There is a view that the more successful a person is, the richer he is. External signs we consider awards, popularity. For nothing, the saying has become known: if you 're so smart, why are you so poor. So almost all poor people argue that happiness and success only brings having some amount of money. But not every person has an idea of how much money he needs for complete happiness and success.

But not in all spheres success is measured by money. Yes, in business, in career, in finance money plays a significant role, but, for example, in successful upbringing of children, health, strong friendship, money is absolutely not important. Being loved and healthy is invaluable.