Автор Анна Евкова
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Death penalty: Pros and Cons

On the one hand, I stand for and against the death penalty. I understand that she is inhuman and cruel.

Yes, God gives life, so people have no right to take it away. But there are cases when this is the way with their own lives, people should be responsible for their actions. This happens when a person himself takes the lives of others. For cruel murders, including children, bullying defenseless people, torture must be answered in full. Or for other sophisticated crimes: for example, an official stole money intended for the treatment of sick children, and they did not survive. Of course, I also understand that the introduction of the death penalty is unlikely to reduce the number of crimes in our country. But if someone has violated the very essence of humanity, he has no right to leniency. I think that life imprisonment for other criminals is worse than execution. But, probably, to whom as. But on the other hand, I am against the introduction of the death penalty in our country right now. And if a man is innocent? If he was “framed”, if the investigation and the court did not want to understand the truth. If the police rushed to arrest the first one? For example, instead of some maniac, they took the one who “passed by”? Here is a case from Ukraine: when Onoprienko was caught as a serial killer, they first caught a stranger. A confession was “beaten out” of him, and he died under torture. If a person is unjustly sitting in prison, then he is left with a chance to catch the real criminal, and justice will prevail.