Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

An interview is an unavoidable part of the job placement procedure

An interview is an unavoidable part of the job placement procedure, which involves, first of all, finding out information about the candidate in the course of personal contact. If a candidate is invited to an interview, it means that they are already interested in him and now everything depends on him.

Many of us are most afraid of a job interview. And completely in vain. After all, an interview is the best way to demonstrate your best qualities to the employer. An interview is a much more flexible form of employee verification than, for example, a questionnaire or testing. You need to use this flexibility to your advantage.

In order to get a prestigious and highly paid job that will solve not only material problems, but also give you the opportunity to realize your professional and creative ambitions, you must be able to correctly present your candidacy to the employer. This includes, in addition to demonstrating professional knowledge, also the ability to convince the company's management that the applicant corresponds to the corporate spirit of the organization and clearly understands the goals that they will face. The "ideal candidate" for the position must also have certain psychological qualities, such as: enthusiasm, energy, responsibility, creative approach to solving production problems and business situations, the ability to learn and retrain, a positive attitude to work, the ability to work in a team

Even if the person going to the interview already has a lot of experience in finding a job, you need to remember that for each new interview you need to prepare in advance. As a rule, the most qualified specialists who are quite reasonably applying for the best job are more responsible for the interview. Often, on the other hand, the lower the bar of a specialist, the worse he is ready for an interview.

To begin with, the applicant needs to think about what valuable things he can offer the employer, what qualities, skills. Most often, the results of the interview depend not only on how much the candidate is generally good or bad, but on how much he meets the requirements of this company. When focusing your strengths, they need to be evaluated in terms of usefulness to the employer.

To make this assessment more realistic, you should try to collect as much information as possible about the requirements for candidates from the company and its manager. Therefore, before going for an interview, the applicant needs to collect as much information as possible about the organization where he is going for an interview.

Well-chosen information will allow, firstly, to assess the compliance of your own data with the requirements of the enterprise, and secondly, to use the information obtained to prepare for answering questions and formulate your own questions to the manager. It is difficult to predict in advance what will be discussed when meeting with the employer, so the more information you have, the easier it will be to navigate when talking. It will also help you not to waste your time and effort and reduce the chances of getting caught by scammers.

It is also important to prepare information about yourself. It is necessary to prepare all possible documents: passport, employment record or a copy of it, a copy of the diploma together with the insert, all certificates of advanced training and the presence of additional specialties, letters of recommendation, award documents (diplomas, certificates, commendations) – that is, all possible documents confirming the qualification, education and additional knowledge of the applicant. Does not allow you to take another copy of your resume with you, even if it has already been sent to the employer in advance.

All documents during the interview must be at hand, but do not show excessive perseverance and desire to immediately demonstrate everything. Perhaps, even at the interview, none of the above documents will be required, but their presence indicates a serious intention to get a vacant position and generally characterizes the candidate as a serious and responsible person.

A positive attitude is the most important aspect of the formation of readiness for an interview. If a person is in a state of internal balance, believes in his own strength and capabilities, and is determined to succeed, then his chances of the most favorable outcome of the interview increase dramatically. Excitement, on the contrary, greatly interferes, so on the eve of the interview, you need to try to crush it by any means. This is extremely necessary to preserve strength and nerves, because constant anxiety brings various kinds of restrictions into our lives, causes a feeling of depression, destroys self-confidence. Fear should never become oppressive.

After getting a job, you may have some unexpected troubles with boss, too: e.g. if you dye your hair or wear something not appropriate. The best solution of such situation is to ask a trade union for advice, which can always help you in your fight with an employer. Of course, if you affect company discipline not coming in time or working badly, your dismissal would not be unfair.

To conclude, I can say that it is sometimes hard not only to get a job, but also to work in the staff, and if you do not want to be laid off, you should follow company rules, it is a must.