Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

A job interview

We live in a world in which interview is a very important step if you want to begin working in most companies. The interview is the first step of interaction between a candidate and a company. It is necessary to put company’s best staff member forward to create great impression of the company even for unsuccessful candidates to say good things about the company. Staff must be proficient and confident.

The first thing that needs to be said is how candidates are selected for an interview. Firstly, candidates send their resumes to the company, to do good they should also write a covering letter where they write why the company should choose them and what benefits they can bring. Secondly, the company invite suitable candidates by a written letter. Time, location and documents to be brought are specified in the letter. Finally, an interview. It can take place in an office or special place in hotel, for example. If the interview is in the office, it will educate possible candidates a lot about their workplace. They can feel the atmosphere of the office, see and talk to their future co-workers, so the candidate will have an image of the place he or she is going to work for. There is usually a waiting room and a secretary to get the candidates seated. In case if the resume does not give all the information needed, due to write down something it would be convenient to have some sheets of paper. Some companies use psychological tests but their results are not totally reliable and may confuse some of the candidates. But practical tests can be useful to test technical skills.

The length of the interview depends on how the interviewer and the candidate are satisfied by representations of each other. Representations must include the strengths and weak sides of both interviewer and candidate, that is why both of them should pay attention in drawing a perfect picture by mentioning the awesome future challenges of the job, company’s perspective and good reputation of both.

From these facts, one may conclude that doing good in an interview will highly affect if you get the job or not. It is extremely important to say and do right things. Interviewers usually expect their candidates to give a fully detailed review on their working history, to explain why the candidate would be a good fit for the company. So one should be ready to tell about the companies where he or she had previous working experience, dates of employment beginning and ending, salary and duties.

You must also remember that first impression is fatefully. Let us consider what is the most appropriate way to get the job:

  • You should dress appropriately to the job and the place. Smart-casual will be okay.
  • Your behavior makes a big difference. Sit up straight.
  • Review you resume. Being prepared to discuss challenges and different cases plays an essential role.
  • Being knowledgeable will also help you with the first impression. You should get to know as much information about the company as it is possible. You should be ready to discuss latest news and updates as well.
  • Never criticize any co-workers or supervisors. Interviewer may think that you are not able to work with other people.
  • It is important not to exaggerate when talking about your accomplishments. You should honestly tell what you can do and you have already done.
  • Prepare questions to ask. Asking questions about the company will create you an image of engaged person.
  • You should arrive early. About 10-15 minutes will be okay. But not too early, it may cause confusing effect.
  • A thank-you letter is a great possibility to distinguish yourself from others.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that job interviews will remain a great tool to find a company of your dream and a worker for many years. I believe that being honest, confident and clear is the key to getting the job and showing the company how useful for it you can be.