Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Job search, ways to effectively find a job



Various life circumstances can prompt a person to search for a job. Graduates of educational institutions are looking for work in order to continue successful socialization; qualified specialists who have reached their career or professional "ceiling" within the same organization can look for work.

The reason for finding a job may also be that the type of activity that a person has been engaged in so far has lost its relevance and is not in demand in the labor market. In the latter case, it is usually not only about changing jobs, but also about changing professions. The search for a new job can also be motivated by dissatisfaction with the position held, the need for personal growth and self-expression, which is not realized in the existing place of work.

1. The stages of the job search

In our lives, we make a number of important, sometimes fateful decisions. The choice of a place of work is one of them, because the social status, material well-being, well-being and self-perception of a person depend on what organization, position, and environment they work in. It is with the search for a decent job that a business career begins or successfully continues. The famous aphorism "who is looking, he will always find!" it is the best approach to finding a job in the modern labor market. Various life circumstances can prompt a person to search for a job. Graduates of educational institutions are looking for work in order to continue successful socialization; qualified specialists who have reached their career or professional "ceiling" within the same organization can look for work. The search for a new job can also be motivated by dissatisfaction with the position held, the need for personal growth and self-expression, which is not realized in the existing place of work. There are two main phases in the actions required to successfully find a new job. First, the so-called passive phase involves the collection and analysis of information on employment opportunities, compiling a resume, preparing letters of recommendation. At the same time, it is recommended to monitor and analyze information about the situation on the job market constantly, and not only when there is a need to find or change jobs. The second phase involves active activity of the applicant.

The following main stages of active employment activities can be distinguished:

1. establishing contact with the employer (in writing, by phone, by e - mail, Fax, in some cases-by personal appeal). The goal is to get an invitation to an interview.

2. preparation for the interview (preparation of the necessary documentation, "playing" the interview situation, trial passing the intended tests, drawing up a list of questions, collecting information about the company and potential employer, etc.). the Goal is to make the most favorable impression on the employer.

3. passing an interview (interview with the employer, effective self-presentation, passing tests and questionnaires). The goal is to get an invitation to a vacant position.

4. decision-Making (analysis of the offered vacancies, selection of the optimal one). The goal is to make a choice that best meets the needs and capabilities of the applicant.

5. Feedback from the managers of other firms that received an offer of services from the applicant (notification that the applicant does not currently need a job, written or oral expression of gratitude for the fact that his candidacy was considered). The goal is to keep contacts in case of a new request or further partnership. It should be taken into account that the specifics of actions at each stage depends on the method of job search chosen by the applicant.

2. Ways to effectively find a job

At the present stage of development of the labor market there are the following ways to find a job:

1. with the help of the state employment service. In such services in employment centers, unemployed citizens can not only get information about the availability of vacancies and find a suitable job, but also undergo retraining and advanced training.

2. With the help of private employment services. Private employment services are divided into employment agencies and recruitment agencies. Employment agencies enter the applicant's CV in their data Bank and offer vacancies as they receive requests from employers. Here you can also get additional services: professional development, retraining, qualification exams, etc. The provision of all services to the applicants paid. Recruitment agencies differ from employment agencies in that they work for the employer. In other words, they provide a paid service to the employer to select an employee for an existing vacancy in accordance with the requirements put forward.

3. By using the services of the employment generated in universities and other educational institutions. An example is the professional orientation Center "graduate", created and successfully operating for 4 years in VSUES.

4. Through special publications on employment (Newspapers, magazines, electronic media). There are 2 ways to find a job through employment publications. The first method is to view job ads. A telephone, Fax, or e-mail is usually offered as a means of communication with the employer. The key to success in many ways is the responsiveness of the applicant, because the vacancies of interest are engaged very quickly. The second method is to place your own job search ad. To achieve success in this case, it is necessary to correctly create an ad: it is recommended to briefly describe the level of education, work experience, additional skills and skills that are important for the implementation of the applicant's professional activities.

5. Through an appeal to friends. This method is recommended primarily for those whose sphere of contact is quite wide. In addition to a verbal message that you are interested in a particular job, it is recommended to provide each of your friends with a copy of your resume. Having it, your friend will have specific information to provide to a possible employer or will be able to take it into account (if the potential employer is himself).

6. By direct appeal to the employer. It can be used if the company has not declared that there is an open vacancy, but the applicant assumes that there may be such a vacancy. In this case, an effective tool is to send out as many resumes as possible (necessarily supplemented with cover letters). If there is no vacant position at the moment, but the applicant is of interest, then the resume is saved for possible reference to it in the future. In exceptional cases, vacancies can be created specifically "for the person".

7. Organized events-career Days, job Fairs are periodically held by specialized organizations. As a rule, there are a lot of vacancies. These are usually positions that do not imply a high level of salary and social status, but have career prospects. Therefore, attending these events can be recommended, first of all, to graduates of educational institutions who do not have the necessary work experience and agree to work "for the future".


According to many, only those who do not want to work do not work. You can always find a job, but it depends on quantitative circumstances: search time, salary, etc. Everyone who can take the job will get it. In most cases, job search failures are caused by people not being able to find a job. In schools and universities, this is not taught. Books on this subject that have appeared on the shelves in recent years, read a few. As a rule, people learn from their own experience and from their own mistakes, without getting qualified answers and advice. Moreover, sometimes using unskilled advice.

First of all, you can not try to solve such a serious issue immediately, you should approach the job search thoughtfully. So first you need to understand yourself. What do we expect from our work? Where would we like to work? First of all, our desire must coincide with our capabilities. And opportunities, in turn, are determined by the amount of knowledge and skills, and the knowledge of the method of job search in the labor market is one of the first places in this series.