Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Guest Information Management


What do you know about your guest?

According to the expert, in order for the institution to be successful, its owners need to clearly understand for whom they work at all.

- It is very important to know the age and gender. So, if we attract guests to our institution, whose age is 20-25 years-this is one system, scheme, mechanics of attraction. If it is guests from 25 to 35-45 years, it is already other ways.

It is also important whether it is a man or a woman, because men, for example, if you navigate the menu, like serious dishes-meat, steaks. Women, for the most part, sit on diets and they need some light salads. That is, the settings of our menu also depend on it.

- If we are a beer restaurant and we have a range of grilled sausages, we definitely work for men, and, most likely, women will not be frequent guests.

How do questionnaires help?

Speaking about the effectiveness and benefits of guest surveys, the so-called loyalty index is used to determine how guests feel about the institution, the work of the staff, as well as to calculate the probability that they will recommend your institution to their friends.

- We insert a small ruler at the bottom of the questionnaire and ask the guest to put some figure of probability with which he will recommend us. As a rule, from one to six are, most likely, guests disloyal, they did not like something. Maybe the table was unsteady or the waiter was unfriendly, it happens, about questioning guests on the example of his institution. - - Seven, eight-this neutral visitors, i.e. under case they will recall about establishment, perhaps, that even and to return, but tell friends about you with burning eyes hardly will.

Nine and ten are definitely your guests who praise you, love you and will come back with friends. example, when we had low marks. For the first time, the guest was satisfied with the kitchen and service, but did not like the fact that she was exhausted by the road, as she came from another city, long looking for an institution and parked. The second-put guests who are not satisfied with the fact that our menu does not have Halal dishes. But we don't, and probably won't.

Thus, you can find out about any problems with the staff, with the menu or other different criteria.

- It is necessary to work with guests, call, ask questions.

How do guests know about the establishment?

By far the most powerful tool is definitely marketing. This is a social network, and a special site of the institution, where, as a rule, you can pre-learn the menu, the cost of dishes and other various features of interest.

"The institution is in demand for children's holidays and it is very convenient for guests to tick the box opposite the dish they choose, specify its quantity and understand what the result will be in the amount and cuisine. Many more guests learn from reviews about the institution on the Internet, so it is also not worth missing. I recommend every review to work out. Good or bad-must be noted."

What are the motives for visiting the institution?

As the speaker puts it, "in fact, there are a great many of them." And it's hard to argue with this: after all, someone goes to a restaurant because they just do not want to cook today themselves, someone wants to pamper themselves and get out into the "light", but one of the most popular motives is to spend time with friends or family.

- Also, guests like to celebrate their birthdays or spend some holidays, - says the analyst of the family cafe. - There is a separate occasion-a business lunch and here the audience comes only for this. Another of the motives to come to the institution – to meet. Again, these are different formats and all need to be considered within the framework of their concept of the institution and also answer the question: what motive should your guests have to come to you? The team is very important, because people still come to people.

What can be reasons for moreover, to a guest in an institution not went?

Among the main reasons for choosing another institution are the following: 1.Reviews of friends and on the Internet; 2. Outdated interior; 3. Unpleasant smell of food or anything; 4. An incomprehensible concept.


- great option. But not just to bring one dish on a plate, but to make something more serious and larger. For example, in the form of evening programs, workshops, show kitchen.


Before you do any action, you need to calculate this action. What can you earn from this? The amount you are going to spend, you need to divide by the average check, it turns out how many guests should come to you. If you get an unrealistic number-change the numbers and do something that is close to reality. The limit can be by days of the week, by time (happy hours). Shares according to the number of guests, the first guests. Special holiday promotions. Not a very good positioning of the institution, when you specify such words – "action", "free", "discounts". It is better to write: "special offer" or "gift"".

If you try to follow these tips Leyla Yakhina, then, for sure, you can not only correct the situation of your institution to those who already have it, but also avoid mistakes when opening your business.

To sum up this valuable master class, perhaps, you can quote the famous Russian marketer, author of bestsellers in Economics, marketing and PR Igor Mann: "the Main thing in marketing is to know what to do, how to do, take and do" - because we can understand, but do not take any action, and then all our knowledge will be absolutely useless.