Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

You cannot measure success by money

Nowadays, everyone has his own style. Many people, when they see others who wear new clothes, they think that they are rich. Of course they need money to buy new clothes. But I disagree that people measure success by money.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to manage without finance in our time, sometimes success definitely does not depend only on the amount of money. When a person has achieved financial independence its perfect, but for example, a successful person in my ignorance is also a person rich in inner wealth, having moral and ethical principles and spiritually rich.
It is true that rich people always wear new suits and they have nice style. Also they have big houses and beautiful cars. For instance, in the UK when my friends see sports cars they told me the person driving this car must have a lot of money.
In my opinion, we cannot measure success by money because there are many people whose salary is not more than 200$. But they wear new clothes, because they like to change their style every season. On the other hand there are a lot of rich people who do not care about their appearance. A good example is, in the Baku when we sit in the Arabic cafe we always see a man who wears a normal suit and he sits with anyone, and jokes with anyone. But we were surprised when the waiter told us this man is lawyer and his salary was more than hundred thousand dollars per year.

In conclusion, I don't believe that the style of people reflects their position. Everyone has his own style, whether they are rich or poor.