Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

"Who is a hero for you"

Nowadays the media inundate us with examples to follow: they advertise lifestyles, provide us with a wide variety of trends to keep up with, finally they introduce influential figures who we are supposed to take after. In an age of globalism, the internet made it possible to expose every action to the public eye. One can choose a hero without any effort but who can be called a hero? Who can I call a hero?

To my mind, there are certain features of description that a so-called hero should fit. Firstly, this person never acts indifferently in the situations of someone being put in jeopardy. Secondly, he expects no reward except for people’s safety and welfare. Thirdly, the hero is merciful and gives the second chance for improvement to those, whom ordinary person would deem hopeless.

Some people can argue with my point of view. They may say that those qualities can belong to anyone and having acquired them it doesn’t immediately turn one into a hero. Additionally, if the history doesn’t know your name, it’s doubtful that you are a hero. Finally, only being engaged in global projects and making serious, risky decisions could you be considered a hero.

But I still believe that it is not necessary to make it big in this world to be aptly referred to heroes. Developing such traits in your personality requires hard work and dedication what makes it challenging to gain for the average person. Moreover, though the true hero never speaks loudly enough for others to be seen effortlessly, he never silent when someone needs a helping hand. And yet, many heroic acts were accomplished without any public or media invasion.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that we don’t really need media coverage to find a true hero. Just as you walk down the street with a little bit more attention and a little less sceptisism, another example of superman or superwoman, helping an old woman to cross the road or sharing some money with beggars, become evident. The real hero, a genuine example to follow, is nowhere far, on top of the world, but here, among us.