Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for you?

Heroes for me are my parents. These are the people who will always support and never leave you in a difficult situation. They will always protect you and love you.

For some people, the heroes are doctors, firefighters and police officers. Some people call heroes those people who are engaged in charity. And, yes, these people really are heroes.

But, for me, the heroes will always be my parents. I can't choose one of the two, so I'll tell you about both in order.

My mom is a superwoman. She's always been with me since I was born. She didn't get enough sleep at night because of me. She taught me how to eat, how to talk, how to hold a spoon.

My mother was with me in the best and worst moments of my life. I think she never gets tired. She manages everything. Take care of my dad, my brothers. She has time to pay attention to everyone in our family. My superwoman taught me to be a lady, to communicate with men. I am grateful to her for instilling in me a sense of responsibility, femininity and pride in myself.

Now I'll tell you about my father. My father is a superman. I'm proud of my dad. He is wise and intelligent, tall and handsome, very strong and polite. Dad loves mom very much. And my mother loves him very much.

It was this man who made my childhood cool. But he also raised me to be a serious person. He works very hard and therefore I can not talk to him often . But every conversation we have and every piece of advice he has is very valuable to me. My superman taught me to be wise and always think before you say something. He's always worried about me, but when he's around I feel absolutely safe.

I love my parents very much and I am grateful to them for everything they do for me. My parents are my superheroes.