Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for me?

I have been thinking about this question long time. And I were surprised to find that my hero is my husband.

His superpower is to be always near me. And to read my minds.

If there's some trouble, I can always expect support, even if I do not ask about it.

You know women..:

Oh, I very sad, my nail was broken, my boss is mad, I'm fat and I have nothing to wear. And here he comes! Superhero husband.

I'll save you! - is heard in the distance. And he arrives. And with him are his superhero attributes:

-wings of love


-cloak of the t-shirts or towels

-super eyes to read minds.

In the modern world superpower is the humanity and responsibility.

To be responsible for his family it means to be a hero.

I think all of us have a personal superhero.

The heroes, who take a seat to elderly people and women in transport.

Heroes who hold the door.

The heroes who help to lift heavy bags.

While these characters exist, our world would be wonderful. Because we know that if anyone of our loved ones need help, someone a superhero will save them.

And then superheroes go home to their family.

My husband go home too.

And then he says his magic words, "I love you", all the troubles disappear.

So my husband is a personal superhero to me.

I think if each of us carefully look at our families, friends, colleagues, we will understand that around us a lot of heroes. We just don't always see them. And they're not in color and latex suits, unfortunately. Or not?

Remember everyone can be a hero. We should just believe in it.