Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who Is A Hero Essey Reserch Paper

Who is hero? What defines a hero? What qualities do heroes have? I’m sure these questions can be answered by anyone, but I will try to express my point of view to explain why every person can be a hero and how important it is.

Let’s talk about who hero is and what qualities difine a hero. We cannot give a quite definite anwer to this question, because hero has a whole set of qualities, everybody different and everybody has his or her personal hero. It can be mother or father, favorite football player or some historical figure. But what they all have in common? What makes heroes stand out from the rest? I think heroes are defined by their actions. Mother takes care of her child, famous footbal player dedicated his entire life to inspire millions of kids all around the world.

So why it’s so important to have a hero? When person grows up as a kid, he should look up to somebody. It’s important to set goals and achieve them, it helps person grow and never give up in hard times.

But what about adult people? We still have our heros from childhood with us or we don’t need heroes at all? When a little boy watches games of his favorite football player he dreams to became just like him one day. He is motivated and inspired by this player, a true hero for the little boy, isn’t it? But who motivates a football player? Who is hero for him? The answer is a football player motivates himself, he goes throught everything and works hard as possible everyday to become a true hero for this little boy who might become next big player one day and will inspire other kids on their path to the dream.

This is very important, when person becomes more mature, he can be hero for others, but what more important, he must be hero for himself first.