Автор Анна Евкова
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What can you say about Hamlet, the main character of “Hamlet, prince of Denmark”

Speaking about the main character, it is appropriate to say that Hamlet is a unified center, where all the tragic lines of the action converge. His words make you empathise with him, think with him, argue and object or agree with him. It is very important to say that Hamlet, unlike many, very empathised to each of the situations that occurred. Hamlet is a complex, contradictory, and fluctuating character. His innate nobility doesn’t allow him to accept what has happened, but he also can’t decide and start acting.

Hamlet is prone to reflection, to endless reflection, to endless digging in himself. He must check and double-check everything, think a thousand times before he begins to carry out plans for revenge. He is aware that he is stuck in his own thoughts, it irritates him, but there is nothing he can do about it.

When Hamlet finds out what his mother and uncle have done, he falls into a state of near insanity. He couldn’t recover after the death of his father and the act of his mother, who married his father's brother, so also the ghost of his father appears to him and tells about the murder. For a very long time, he couldn't believe that such a thing could happen.

It is in order to understand himself and decide what to do, he puts on the mask of a madman and plays a role. The tendency to play roles, to mystify, to confuse others-this is generally a characteristic Hamlet features.

As can be seen from the entire development of the plot, the theme of revenge fades into the background before the moral quest of the main character. It is impossible for him to take revenge in the expression that is customary in that society. Even when he is convinced of his uncle's guilt, he doesn’t become his executioner, but only accuses him.

At the end of the analysis it is useful to say that Hamlet is a hero with a strong spirit and an extraordinary mind, a seeker and a doubter, who has become one step above the whole society in his morals. He is able to look at himself from the outside, he is able to analyze those around him and analyze his thoughts and actions. But he is also a product of that era and that binds him. This young man calls himself to live in accordance with the highest morality, responsibility for all his actions. His famous monologue "To be or not to be" is only the top of such arguments. But the imperfection of society and the environment still pushes them to impulsive, often unjustified actions, which are then hard for them to experience and ultimately lead to death.

I want to say that this is a very tragic piece, but it resonates in the soul of every person. Each of us in one way or another in life got into situations similar to situations from the life of Hamlet. His image in the work left the hope for the regeneration of society, for its improvement.