Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Was Julia happy in marriage? How did her relationships with Michael change in course of time? (Jimmy Langton's theater)

Somerset Maugham's novel the Theatre is one of his most famous works. The novel was written in 1937. The novel tells about the life of actress Julia Lambert, about her feelings and how she coped with difficulties. Julia is 46 years old. She is the most famous actress of her time in England. Today I want to pay attention to her married life and relationship with her husband Michael.

If we look, we will see that the author clearly reflected the line of Julia's love in the novel. The meeting with Michael took place at the Jimmy Langton's theater. When Michael joined the company Julia had been playing in Middlepool for a year. Julia fell in love with him at first sight and began to persist in seeking his attention. They had been in touch for a long time, even though Michael didn't like her and considered her a friend. In the end, Julia won, and Michael proposed to her. They got married.

“The first year of their marriage would have been stormy except for Michael's placidity. It needed the excitement of getting a part or a first night, the gaiety of a party where he had drunk several glasses of champagne, to turn his practical mind to thoughts of love. No flattery, no allurements, could tempt him when he had an engagement next day for which he had to keep his brain clear or a round of golf for which he needed a steady eye. Julia made him frantic scenes.”

But over time, her passion subsided, and Julia cooled in her feelings.

“Her heart sank because she knew she had lost something that was infinitely precious to her, and pitying herself she was inclined to cry; but at the same time she was filled with a sense of triumph, it seemed a revenge that she enjoyed for the un-happiness he had caused her; she was free of the bondage in which her senses had held her to him and she exulted. Now she could deal with him on equal terms.”

We can see a sad love story. I don't think Julia was happy in her marriage. Her relationship with Michael led to destruction and indifference. Perhaps for this reason, in her Mature years, she fell in love with the young accountant Thomas. I think we should learn from Julia's example that it is not possible to love for two. Relationships must be mutual in order to have happiness and success.